Rules and Blocking Policy
- Questions: Don't hesitate to ask questions to the administrator: Dean27.
- Do not harass other users: If somebody asks you to stop posting certain content on their wall/talk page, respect their wishes. It is their wall/talk page. Do not insult other users like calling them names or calling them "stupid", "dumb" or anything like that.
- Adding multiple accounts to evade a block, known as sock puppets, will result in further blocks.
- Do not engage in excessive self-promotion: The wiki is a collaborative community resource for the topic at hand. It is NOT a free place to advertise your related website, YouTube channel, blog, social media account, etc. Have a question about whether your link would be welcome? Ask an administrator!
- Editing level: There are jobs on this Wiki that anybody of any skill level can do. If you are new to Wiki, one of the easiest, but still needed jobs that this Wiki needs is to make sure there are photos on every page and that every page has been categorized.
- An administrator might message you regarding wiki guidelines for formatting: when a wiki has established formatting, it's important to adhere to that, especially when spoiler content is involved. Do not post spoilers unless you have consulted with an administrator. So do follow wiki formatting when asked to do so by an administrator.
- Any new pages created must contain an image ONLY in the Infobox template where possible.'
- ALL new player pages must have an image gallery added. You can use the Infobox Biography to add a new player and under the syntax is the gallery format. ALL player images must be taken from THIS site.
- ANYONE who moves a page without asking an administrator first will be blocked without question. This is due to any moving of pages causes many errors on pages which the Admins have to take time out to correct.
- We are now putting category's on ALL images that are uploaded. Please see other images for category's needed for the type of image you are uploading or ask an admin'
- Please do not use wysiswyg editor to edit as it messes with page formats.
- Any deviation or breaking of these rules will result in a block.