Football Wiki
Football Wiki
Liechtenstein Football Association logo
Founded 28 April 1934
Fifa affiliation 1974
Region UEFA
Region affiliation 1974
President Hugo Quaderer
Coach Hans-Peter Zaugg (2006 -)

The Liechtenstein Football Association' (German: Liechtensteiner Fussballverband), LFV) is the governing body of football in Liechtenstein. It was established on 28 April 1934, and became affiliated to UEFA on 22 May 1974. The association organizes the Liechtenstein national football team and the Liechtenstein Football Cup. Because Liechtenstein has fewer than 8 (only 7 not counting reserves) active teams, it is the only UEFA member without its own national league. This means the Liechtensteiner teams play in the Swiss Football League system.The LFV is based in Schaan.

External links[]

Template:Football in Liechtenstein

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