Dundee United Football Club is a Scottish professional football club based in the city of Dundee. Formed in 1909, originally as Dundee Hibernian, the club changed to the present name in 1923. United are nicknamed The Terrors or The Tangerines and the supporters are known as Arabs.
Reilly (1909 to 15) ·Dainty (1915 to 17) ·Reilly (1917 to 22) ·O'Rourke (1922 to 23) ·McAndrewc (1923) ·Brownlie (1923 to 31) ·Reid (1931 to 34) ·Brownlie (1934 to 36) ·Greig (1936 to 38) ·Brownlie & Irving (1938 to 39) ·McKay (1939) ·Allan (1939 to 42) ·Littlejohn (1942 to 44) ·McGillivray (1944 to 45) ·MacFadyen (1945 to 54) ·R. Smith (1954 to 57) ·Gallacher (1957) ·Gray (1957 to 58) ·A. McCall (1958 to 59) ·Kerr (1959 to 71) ·J. McLean (1971 to 93) ·Golac (1993 to 95) ·Wallacec (1995) ·Kirkwood (1995 to 96) ·T. McLean (1996 to 98) ·Sturrock (1998 to 2000) ·A. Smith (2000 to 02) ·Hegarty (2002 to 03) ·I. McCall (2003 to 05) ·Chisholm (2005 to 06) ·Doddsc (2006) ·Brewster (2006) ·Levein (2006 to 09) ·Houston (2009 to 13) ·McNamara (2013 to 15) ·Bowmanc (2015) ·Paatelainen (2015 to 16) ·
Youngc (2016) ·McKinnon (2016 to 17) ·Ellisc (2017) ·László (2017 to 18) ·Ellisc (2018) ·Neilson (2018 to 20) ·Mellon (2020 to 21) ·Courts (2021–) ·